
Register online or make an appointment via WhatsApp to enjoy the following treatment:

【免費體驗**】M22 光子嫩膚面部療程 1次    [M22F]
【FREE Trial**】M22 SKIN Photo-Rejuvenation Treatment  [M22F]

預約編號 Booking No.:   923Music
(預約時需通知 Notification required when booking)

預約或查詢 Booking or Enquiry:
Tel: 23020002 /
WhatsApp: 62173122 或按 👉 https://bit.ly/3g7iFbR
WeChat ID: alchemybeauty

有效日期 Valid until:  23-10-2024

**免費體驗只限頭 10名登記顧客   Free Trial only for the first 10 registered customers


Or fill in the following information and we will contact you as soon as possible and arrange services for you . Thank you!

Clicking "Confirm Submit" indicates that you have read and agreed to the below "Terms and Conditions".


  • 以上優惠只適用於18歲或以上新客戶。男女適用。逾期無效。
  • 以上優惠必須經網上登記或WhatsApp預約,預約時需通知『預約編號』,所有預約均須待本店職員確認為準。
  • 以上優惠每人只限一次並需同時享用。
  • 護理前必須出示身份證,影印本無效。
  • 此優惠恕無法兌換現金及不得與其他優惠同時使用。
  • 有關服務或優惠條款及細則如有更改恕不另行通知。
  • 如有任何爭議,本公司將保留最終決定權。

Terms and Conditions:

  • The above offers are only applicable to new customers aged 18 or above. Suitable for both men and women. Cannot be used after the valid date.
  • The above offers must be booked online or via WhatsApp. The “Booking Number” must be notified when making an appointment. All appointments are subject to confirmation by our staff.
  • Each customer can only enjoy this special offer once and enjoy the treatments at the same time.
  • ID card must be presented before treatment, photo copy is not acceptable.
  • This offer cannot be redeemed for cash and cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or offers.
  • Relevant terms and conditions of services or offers are subject to change without prior notice.
  • In case of any dispute, Alchemy Beauty Ltd. reserves the right of final decision.